GameJam - Fete de l`ours
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Release Date : Oct 13, 2015
Platform : Windows/Mobile
Duration : 3 Days
Society :
Genre : Versus
Role : Game Designer
Work :
Team Size : 6
“Fete de L’ours” (Feast of the Bear) Is the Versus Game for 2 players with Asymmetric game play
The Player on the computer play the butcher and the other Mobile Player (MPlayer) play the Bear.
We was create “Fete de l’ours” during the practice GameJam. We choose Feast of the bear between 3 Themes.
Feast of the Bear is a real Feast, side of Montpellier, In France. The kids, for pass in adult, go to the forest, disguise in Bear and try to catch the girls villager. the butcher hunt the bear. When they catch him, he wash and cut the bear fur. A Banquet is create to feast the pass in the adult year old of the kid.
The goals, for us, Use asymetric gameplay with asymetric support (Mobile and Computer)
For the player, the most interesting is fight against other player. we choose Bear and Butcher for the player.
The goal of the bear is to capture 7 girls (AI). If the Butcher kill 3 times the Bear, he win.
We use the Round planet to create a simple AI of the girls. the butch protect the bear and kill the bear and the bear capture the girls.
The villager can be pass only by the butcher.
The bear can hide itself on the bush or in this cave to not catch by the butcher. But if the butcher rest in side of the butch, the bear reappers after few secondes.
A bear, in this cave, can capture girls for eat her. but the butcher of the village want kill the bear and protect the girls.
The Girls walk on the left of the village to go on the right (Round Planet)