Novelab - Learning SNCF

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Release Date : May 3, 2019

Platform : Oculus Rifft

Duration : 5

Society : Novelab

Genre : VR Learning

Role : Programmeur
Work :

Team Size : 4

In order to realize this immersive and interactive experience, Novelab worked in close collaboration with two experts from SNCF (French national rail company) educational unit.

SNCF. The experience is divided into three sequences:

The order desk: The purpose of this sequence is to teach the trainee how to prepare his day of service, to become familiar with his future environment and to approach the chronological procedure to enable him/her to prepare this day of service. At the end of this sequence, the learner is able to identify the display elements essential to the safety of the traffic he will carry out, to identify and sort the documents that are useful for the preparation of his mission.
Railway Right-of-way: Moving within railway rights-of-way to the rolling motor vehicle is an essential element of staff safety. As part of this project, this movement is limited over a limited distance and beam of lanes. At the end of this apprenticeship, the learner is able to move safely in the railway right-of-ways by controlling all the risks to which he could be exposed since the exit of the control office on a right-of-way until the climb in the engine.
The engine: This phase corresponds to a part of the tests carried out from the cab during the current preparation of a motor vehicle. The learner has the possibility to perform three tests: KVB, VA, EFAS
Regarding interactions design, we created a very simple gameplay. Indeed, it will be a first time VR experience for most of the 1000 annual trainees. During the three sequences, the trainee teleports on each PO thanks to a controller. Each POI allows the trainee to display the security rules which he/she must validate in order to move to the next POI.